“I can’t thank Leimac Building enough,” says 89yo Heather in her testimonial

granny flat builders cowaramup gavin leiper

Testimonial: “I can’t thank Leimac Building enough”
~ Heather, about her 2×1 home, custom built to suit her lifestyle.

client-heather-500x350What would you do if your your family home storm-damaged beyond repair, and you were nearly 90 years old? 

Some people would take it as a sign that it’s time to find a retirement village, or to retire to a nursing home.

Not so, for Heather from Mandurah! As soon as Heather met with the Leimac Building team, she was convinced she was in good hands.

“Call it intuition or whatever,” she said, “but I knew re-building a custom-built home would be easy with Gavin Leiper.”

And so it was!

It was also a desire to live independently on the very land where she raised her family, knowing she’d be fully supported by in-home care services, that made Heather decide to rebuild.

“There are enough wonderful services around now, like Silverchain and Meals on Wheels, that mean I can feel comfortable living independently in my own home,” she said.

“I just wanted something small and easy to maintain,” she said.

“When I saw the granny flat designs by Leimac Building, and they way they helped tailor them to suit me exactly, I knew I was in good hands.”

Within 24 hours of her first phone call, Leimac Building was on site helping Heather with her first steps in building her new home.

“I liked him immediately,” she said. “Nothing was too hard. He even took me shopping for my tile selections personally! How many builders go out of their way to look after an old lady like this?”

Heather had a custom-made kitchen designed to suit her height, her agility (no bending down or stretching into hard-to-reach corners!) and lifestyle (simple!)

Heather’s son and daughter-in-law were present for the exciting day — hand-over! Leimac Building company director, Gavin Leiper, personally handed the keys to Heather, and to thank her for choosing Leimac Building.

“No, it’s me that should thank you!” she said. “I can’t thank you enough, or praise you enough, for everything you did. I absolutely love my new house.”

89 year old client testimonial for south west builder

Isn’t it wonderful how positive-thinking and a can-do attitude can really make a massive difference?!

We wish Heather all the best for the next many years in her new home in Mandurah!

All the best, and thanks for your testimonial,
from your friends at Leimac Building.

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